Priority Reenrollment – Trinity Christian Academy
Priority Reenrollment – Trinity Christian Academy
Our priority reenrollment period runs from now through February 28. Reenrolling by this date guarantees your spot and allows us to carefully balance class size and address any hiring needs. Following this deadline, you may reenroll if there is space remaining, but you will incur an additional charge.
To reenroll, follow the link in the email you received on January 11 with the title, “Trinity Christian Academy Fall 2018 – Spring 2019,” or log in to your TADS account and select the reenrollment registration option.
More details about reenrollment can be found in the email from Mrs. White that went out on January 10.
Have Another Child Ready for Trinity?
Siblings of current Trinity students have admissions priority, but only if their applications are submitted before a class is full. To submit an application, log in to your TADS account and select the Admissions tab, or click here and log into your current account when prompted.
If you have questions, please contact Tory Tanaka in Admissions: 271-0079 x222 or